As a generation of the new age, we have very easy access to our own intelligent device. The device called phone when mixed with internet creates a beautiful and one of the most powerful technology the world has ever seen. This powerful tool has become the source and means for innovation and new discoveries in today’s time. Education is one of such fields that has been revolutionized by the innovation My Parikshya is an online platform to help students prepare for their entrance examination at various levels. We are more than just a simple tool. My Parikshya is a team of student and learners like you who aim to provide all the things necessary to prepare you to face your entrance exams. From finding a good teaching institute and paying a huge amount to investing months to dedicate yourselves in your studies, entrance preparation is a heck of a journey. As students who’ve gone through the same phase and hassle we understand how much goes into preparing ourselves for future success. We prepare for this one moment for months, dedicating our time, effort and money and we are here to help you convert your effort into your success.